Friday, July 27, 2007

When did it become wrong to accomadate customers?

I just read an article on"Liberals going after FOX advertisers", and I must say I wasn't suprised in anyway by the story, but I am once again suprised by the stupidity of Liberals.

The article say that the certified nut-bars at two prominent liberal blogs(which I refuse to mention by name) are monitoring who advertises on Fox News, in order to annoy them with telemarketer tactics and hopefully have the advertisers pull out with Fox. These liberals claim it's because "FNC claims to be a "fair" news organization and is consistently conservative", you know that old chestnut. Obviously they're intending to put a dent in FNC's budget and figure that will somehow prevent them from airing "conservative commentaries".

I'll tell you right now, it wont work. This isn't like Don Imus, where you had a quote/unquote controversy, and the Reverend Al Sharpton grandstanding and making a spectacle of everything. There is no logical explanation for this. I'll bet in the end these liberal groups end up looking worse than they did before and Fox comes out better if not unscathed as well as their advertisers.(If Home Depot has a down quarter it's because of it's pseudo connection to Mike Vicks dogfighting case than because of its choice in advertising oppurtunities.

Aren't the Liberals the ones who always scream the loudest when something is about presonal choices/freedoms(even if they're hypocrites about it). Which is exactly what we have here. One line from the breitbart article says "Groups like the Sierra Club have targeted Home Depot because they believe it's inconsistent for the company to promote environmentally friendly products while advertising on a network that has questioned global warming".
OK let me explain, Home Depot is a business that sells things and therefore will meet the demands/desires of its consumers in order to maintain profitability. So selling eco-friendly products is a way they can satisfy customers who are looking for eco-friendly products(profit).
The company doesn't have to have a position on global warming because thats not what it does, it sells products that appeal to a wide range of customers and then advertises in places where it can catch the attention of millions of consumers at once.
It has nothing to do with global warming, its called running a business. Home Depot could offer nothing but white paint if it wanted too, but they offer an incredibly diverse range of colors of paint, why? Because people want more than white paint. It would be a heck of a lot easier for Home Depot to offer only white paint to their customers but then it wouldn't matter because they'd have no customers.

Business in the case of Home Depot and thousands of other businesses across the country rely on selling the products/services their customers want to as many customers as they can get. I'm so sick of this liberal crap, just because Fox News is successful and doesn't believe all this wanton liberal bullshit they've got to throw a fit like a bunch of whiny little kids every other week. I would talk about what John Edwards said in Iowa, and just who are "they"? But I don't think I have the temper to handle anymore for tonight.

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