Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Cindy Sheehan has recently declared that she is going to run against Nancy Pelosi in the 2008 elections.
The suprise in this is that Pelosi was Sheehans wingwomen leading up to last elections, in which Pelosi became Speaker of the House with the Dems gaining control.

It's obvious Sheehan, like every liberal, has a grudge with the President, but she's a one-trick pony. The Democrats only dealt with her for the publicity they received, and she was niave enough to believe they were serious. They used her and now that they got what they wanted they let her Ass hung out in the wind. Problem is when your Ass is hung out for that long it gets chapped.

Sheehan wants out of Iraq, not to mention everywhere else, and the Democrats are falling way short on campaign promises and it's because they would rather politicize everything and maintain a longer career and not compromise themselves than actually get down to the nitty-gritty(This practice is as old as politics itself because that is politics).

Now to qoute some history "I fear we have only awakened a sleeping giant". That's what the liberals are saying, or should be saying anyway, about this.
The problem isn't that Sheehan can defeat Pelosi in the election, like I said she's a one trick pony. Though it would be nice to have someone in office who won't deal with the usual crap that goes on in Washington just to avoid making people mad, we need a breath of fresh air, even if it is a far-left nutbar.
Anyway back to my point, Sheehan doesn't have much hope of beating the all and powerful OZ, I mean Pelosi. What she will do is detract power from the Democrats, even if she is a bit of a nutbar she is still a part of the Dems playbook. The Dems will lose face if they are seen running against, or running from, what was their bread and butter play last time out.
Mention the 2004 Presidential election to a liberal they'll claim Ralph Nader lost it for them by taking votes from John Kerry. They have a legit point, and the same thing could happen again in 2008. Sheehan isn't running for President so she won't directly lose voters for the Dems candidate but in a sort of roundabout way it will hurt them to have a "friendly" voice smacktalking their currently most powerful person.

She doesn't seem like the the type of person who gives a damn about constituents, which is what I like about her, it also means she probably won't give in to the Democrats attempts/pleas to stop her from running. Their best hope is to end the war as soon as possible, which is what they want to do anyway so Hillary won't have to deal with it(damn those campaign issues!). But if they can't get her to stop they'll have to come up with something good, because I really don't think she cares about the betterment of the party and its image as long as troops are deployed anywhere.

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