Saturday, May 19, 2007

Future liberal hypocrisy, regarding Iraq

I have been thinking about liberal hypocrisy quite a lot lately, and no doubt the Iraq war has its problems. Surely now you're wondering, what do the two have to do with each other? Everything I tell ya, everything.
You see after our withdraw from Iraq, there will be a period of uncomfortableness between the United States and the Middle-East of epic proportions, forget whatever happens to other nations in the region. Right now I am thinking about the future.
In a generation or so. What do you think liberals will say when asked "Why do muslims hate us so bad?" I'll tell you exactly what they'll say and it goes something like this, "Well you see back in 2003, George Bush, invaded (Wait let me correctly phrase that) "illegally" invaded Iraq and destroyed their country for oil. Now after this generation has grown up they hate us for ruining their lives and their country".
I must be pyschic because you know thats exactly what they'll say. Forgot the taliban style presence of al qaeda or the now no longer "secret" involvement by Iran. "They hate us because we ruined they're country". Right, because it's impossible to think they'd be downright pissed that we started something we couldn't finish, abandoned them and left them to take the abuse and and now want revenge.
It's entirely sad but it's the truth. The withdraw is the liberals best idea(mostly to gain voter support) and when history proves it to be not only disastrous but downright stupid, they will pull out that stupid line "Bush lied, blahblahblah..."
I can hardly wait.

Click on the title for a clear picture of the future.

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